Work with Me

Thanks for stopping by my site! I'm so happy you're here!

Throughout my life, I've had a passion for all things health and fitness! I loved hiking, running, working out at the gym and performing and teaching ballet. I taught dance for many years at the local community college and, eventually, led the local ballet company as their Artistic Director. Even though I was able to remain active, there were always significant, underlying health challenges that would pop up . . . health challenges that traditional medicine couldn't "fix." Eventually, these challenges came to a roaring head, and I crashed. 

Over the next several years, I traveled from doctor to doctor, searching for answers. I was given one pharmaceutical after another, each necessitating an Rx to cover the side effects from the previous ones. I still had an unwavering trust in Western medicine . . . I just knew there had to be an answer. 

Eventually, I realized that I'd exhausted all medical interventions. For years, my son had been trying to get me to take another path . . . a natural, nutritional path. I finally decided I had nothing to lose and told him I'd give it a try. He walked me through a very simple regimen, and the rest was history!  Within ten days, I could feel a difference; and within 10 months we'd totally turned my health around! I'd also lost 87 pounds that my body had been hanging onto because of my illness. Needless to say, I was a believer!

In service to others. I knew there were countless others suffering and in need of hearing this message of better health through the power of nutrition. I decided I had to share it with others! I began assisting friends and family with their health and loved being able to make a difference. It wasn't long before my passion for helping others turned into a small, rewarding business.

Five years later, my life turned upside down. I was suddenly in need of a significant income to support myself. What a blessing that my little nutrition business was there when I needed it the most. I decided to jump in with both feet and make it my source of career income. I knew I wanted to enjoy an active, healthy, productive retirement lifestyle in service to others. My little nutrition business was going to be my vehicle. I also knew I could create a legacy income for my son and pass my business on to him, a feature that isn't available with traditional businesses.

I'm a big believer in life-long learning! I went back to school and received several certifications to better allow me to serve and mentor others with their health and with their businesses. 

      -Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (CHHP) 

      - Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (INHC)

       -Certified Functional Nutrition Lab-Digestive Intensive Practitioner (FNL-DI)

I'm excited to announce that I just recently completed Harvard Medical School’s Executive Education Course: "Health & Wellness – Designing a Sustainable Nutrition Plan."  It was an incredible honor to study under two esteemed members of the Harvard faculty:  1. Beth Frates, MD, FACLM, DipABLM, and President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine; and 2. Dr. Walter Willett, M.D., DrPH, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Willett is best known for co-leading the infamous Nurse’s Health Studies II and lll, moving science forward in the area of Women’s Health. 

My greatest pleasure is to work alongside my clients in building long-term, sustainable health and/or successful businesses!

Life has come full circle for me, and I've now joined hands with hundreds of like-minded individuals who are passionate about health and wellness and want to make a significant difference in the lives of their friends, clients, and/or patients. 

Is there a chance your story is similar to mine?  In today's "Gig Economy," people are not only looking for a full-time, career income, but also fulfilling, part-time side hustles to make ends meet. Whether your dream is escaping the 9-to-5 grind, real-life adventure and amazing travel, long-term wandering, a fulfilling side hustle, or a dramatic career change, I'd love to share the exciting possibilities with you.  

Do the words "Lifestyle by Design," "Freedom," or "Optimal Health" resonate with you?  If the answer is "yes," and you'd like some guidance with your health or exploring the freedom and sense of accomplishment that comes with being your own boss, let's connect! You can contact me here. I'd love to chat!

You'll find I have some pretty diverse interests. Feel free to stop by and friend me on Facebook

Thanks again for visiting my site. I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Here's to your amazing health and incredible life by design!

Debbie Miller